Team reporting

We use Cascade and Gallup Access to produce a range of useful resources, data and worksheets

The Team Grid graphically shows the distribution of themes for each team member across the four domains. This allows us to look at the where we a team are similar and different, where are the blind spots and hot spots and also the opportunity for collaboration. The Team Summary is a comprehensive one-page overview of the team. It identifies the top themes for the team, describing their overall contributions, needs and motivators. Having both gives us great data and insights to have a super powerful conversation about why we do what we do and how we can leverage this information to better work together.

The Brings & Needs report provides enhanced statements for the CliftonStengths® themes. Tailored for each person, the report explores several aspects of their themes. The I Bring column on the left lists ways how the theme can enhance a situation. It gives permission or helps each person feel empowered to own that aspect of their theme. It also helps people appreciate how they can give of their best when contributing to a team. The added confidence helps to strengthen the team and increase productivity. Knowing how each theme can contribute to a situation increases the opportunities to use the theme in a variety of ways. The I Bring column on the left lists ways how the theme can enhance a situation. It gives permission or helps each person feel empowered to own that aspect of their theme. It also helps people appreciate how they can give of their best when contributing to a team. The added confidence helps to strengthen the team and increase productivity. Knowing how each theme can contribute to a situation increases the opportunities to use the theme in a variety of ways.

Exploring the dimensions of the themes builds appreciation and increases understanding. From Gallup’s Theme Insight and Theme Discovery Cards, this report captures all the information on one page.

For each theme it covers:

  • Descriptive words
  • The role I play – words describing who I am
  • I am – being
  • I will – doing
  • The value I bring
  • The needs I have – give me
  • Metaphor / Image
  • Barrier label
  • My motivators
  • My demotivators

To see the Theme Insights for a different person, select their name from the yellow drop-down box. The selection in the Team page determines the names available in the list.

The real benefit of the strengths-based approach is learning how to apply the themes in different situations.

The Theme Advantage worksheet comes with a range of topics to help a client explore and use their themes in a practical way a advantage and gain an advantage. The topics range from creating a new team, collaborating, managing change, motivation and self care to name a few

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The Strengths Partners provides services that enables individuals, teams and organisations to identify their strengths, develop and purposefully use their unique talents to achieve performance objectives.

Gallup Certified

To realize the full benefits of strengths, it is critical that you focus on developing them completely. Partnering with a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach can be the difference between simply knowing your strengths and truly living a strengths-based life.

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