Making Flexible Working Work – Using your Strengths

I am a proud Ambassador of Flexible Working Day (22nd May 2019) and was delighted to work with Vanessa to develop this short webinar to help people understand why playing to your Strengths matter.
Our strengths shape how we see the world and everything we do, how we think, feel and behave. Why does this matter when we think about Flexible working? Discovering your strengths and using them can help you in so many ways.

If you are looking to apply for flexible work, how might you use your strengths to do this, the relationships you build, how you might think strategically about the application and influence others why they should consider your application.

If you are a manager with an application for flexible working how might your strengths influence how might approach the request? How can you use your strengths and those of the person who is applying to make work… work. The benefits are huge.

If you are someone who does flex already (and most of us do in some shape or form, flexible working is not just about working from home or leaving to pick up the kids, it’s so much more to find out more visit how do you use your strengths to do this to ensure you reach your goals, don’t burn out, deliver in all the things you are responsible for?

If you flex because you are a parent then how might you use your strengths to be a better parent? How might you discover play to your child’s strengths? You will love these two books

  • Gallup Strengths Based Parenting this books includes a code for an adult (CliftonStrengths Top 5) and child (age 11-14) to take the strengths assessment and has a great section in the back of the book for talent spotting in younger children.
  • My friend and fellow Strengths Coach Brandon Miller has just written a fantastic book called ‘Play to their Strengths’ you can get your pre order copy here

I hope this webinar helps but if you want to find out more just get in touch
N.B having listened to the recording I can hear the wind whistling in the background from my barn home office so sorry about that.