Programs for individuals - CliftonStrengths

“People who focus on the Strengths are 3 times as likely to report having an excellent quality of life”

Too often people take their talents for granted. They assume everybody has what they have or perhaps are not aware of their talents or its potential.

Every intervention you make is based on the discovery, exploration and enhancement of a person’s strengths and resources in service of helping them achieve their goals and aspirations.

We have a number of programs relating to CliftonStrenghs to support individuals in understanding their profile reports.  These can be Top 5 or Full 34 to gain awareness and appreciation of his or her talents and then help them invest in and use these unique talents to reach their full potential and lead a happy and fulfilled life.

A one-hour session with a coach designed to explore the CliftonStrengths profile reports and develop a personal action plan to name, aim and claim their talents.

Three session program
3 one-hour sessions that explore the CliftonStrengths profile reports with a coach that take the time to explore in greater detail

The New Manager
3 one-hour sessions

The Strengths Based Manager
4 one-hour sessions

Leading teams
3 one-hour sessions

Each of our programs will focus on the individual’s own specific context, their work/life and/or their career/life situation and be driven by their aspirations. The shared outcomes for each of our programs is that an individual will gain:

A clear understanding of their unique talents

A way to think about how each of their talents affect how they influence and interact with others

A way to think about how each of the talents influence how they think, respond and make decisions

A feature of all our programs is to support individuals to set goals and actions and be accountable for them at each session. To encourage and develop a process of critical self-reflection and importantly an appreciation of their talents and how they will work with them. Our programs will make a real difference and enable, empower and engage the individual in achieving their own goals and understand how using your strengths will help you find success.

When engaging in multiple coaching sessions an individual can choose to focus on a particular challenge or where they feel they need to improve their performance. Gallup research demonstrates how deploying and using one’s strengths provides a powerful means to achieve success.

Contact us today

The Strengths Partners provides services that enables individuals, teams and organisations to identify their strengths, develop and purposefully use their unique talents to achieve performance objectives.

Gallup Certified

To realize the full benefits of strengths, it is critical that you focus on developing them completely. Partnering with a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach can be the difference between simply knowing your strengths and truly living a strengths-based life.

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